Contact Us: 616-669-2210 (call/text)
Irrigation Design, Consultation, Installation, and Service
Welcome, Schepers Lawn Sprinkling is a full service Grand Rapids Lawn Sprinkling contractor and designer with decades of service to the West Michigan area. From our start, our goal is to install quality underground sprinkling systems at a competitive price and to stand behind our work with excellent service.
However, we have a new goal for tomorrow. We still want to ensure customer satisfaction with a healthy lush lawn while at the same time protecting our fresh water supply through water conservation. Utilizing education and a variety of water saving products, we can offer you an efficient irrigation system, saving you up to 50% on your monthly water bills.
Our exclusive water management program gives our customers the most Efficient irrigation system possible by utilizing a Flow Meter, Rain Sensor, and Controller managed by our team over the internet we are able to prevent unnecessary watering and still maintain a healthy lawn and landscape. Please explore our website or contact us to learn more!
Product Feature, The Alleviator, Through The Wall Shut-Off
The Alleviator is a unique irrigation water control valve that assists with annual irrigation system maintenance. The Alleviator allows us, the irrigation contractor, access to the system’s water supply from outside the customer’s home or building. Paired with a Wi-Fi controller scheduling yearly maintenance becomes a very efficient process.
Product Feature, Hunter Hydrawise Irrigation Controllers
The great landscape starts with the right amount of water at the right time. The Hunter Hydrawise automatically adjusts watering based on sourced local weather data. This technology looks at the forecast and past history to ensure the right amount of irrigation is applied, allowing for the most efficient watering possible, saving time and money.
Customer Support Videos
How Do I Adjust My Rainbird 5004 Rotor Head
How Do I Adjust My Rainbird ESP Modular Controller
How Do I Adjust My Rainbird ESP-ME Controller
How Do I Adjust MY Rainbird SMTe Controller
Weather Based Controller
How To Replace The Battery On A Rain Bird Wireless Rain Sensor
How Do I Program my Hunter Pro C Controller
How Do I Turn On My Irrigation System
How To Set Up A Zone Delay On A Rain Bird ESP-ME Irrigation Controller
How Do I Program My Pro 2C Irrigation Controller
The Alleviator
Through The Wall Shut-Off